Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nine months and now crawling

Originally uploaded by mechanicaldan1
Andrew is nine months old today, and has been successfully rolling around for some time now, and being able to get into a sitting position without assistance. He's been able to push/crawl backwards. With some stacking cups to motivate him, Andrew crawled for the first time today; repeatedly! Dena was reading through one of the baby development books, and for his age the book said he'd like stacking cups or blocks. We had some in the tub, but never put them out on the floor, so we did, and Andrew's face got real focused, and he crawled toward the stack, and then knocked it down. Dena grabbed the video camera, and I restacked, and Andrew crawled some more, and Dena recorded. We repeated this several times. It was very momentus. We're proud parents.

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