Sunday, November 11, 2007

Trip to Pau, France

Originally uploaded by mechanicaldan1
Here are a few pictures of the trip to Pau, France that Dena and I took. She has a lot more photos, and they'll be better too. My pictures were taken with my fixed focus mobile phone camera. It was also Halloween the day before we arrived, so that should explain the funny picture of me. Oh yeah, and there was alcohol involved.

Here's the link to the pictures:

Visiting Paris, France for the first time

Originally uploaded by mechanicaldan1
I am still alive, I've just been crazy busy with work. I've been flying all over. I was going to be in Pau, France for a week, and we were flying through Paris, so Dena came along with me. It was really nice to have her along, especially when she showed me around Paris and I had a free translator. We had about 10 hours from when we arrived in Paris until our flight left, so we hopped on the Metro and headed downtown.

Go here for some of the pictures: