Saturday, August 22, 2009

Yes, I'm still alive and almost a family of 3

Wow, I just looked at the date of my last post, which was almost a year ago. I guess the newness of moving to Scotland had started to wear off at that point. There have been plenty of times that I've meant to post on here, but truth be told, I was just too lazy, and a tiny bit sick of being behind a computer, as I am for most of my work day.

I'll give a nod to Joy for prompting this post. It's actually a pre-announcement of my son's birth. Yes, part of the last nine months have been spent witnessing the grown of my unborn son. What a magical experience. So, due to that, there will be more regular updates to this blog.

I've also set up a twitter account @mechanicaldan I'm just getting started, but if you have a twitter account, let me know so I can follow you.

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