Sunday, January 27, 2008

Back Surgery Update: End of Week 6

This weekend was the end of week 6 after my back surgery, and I didn't need to take any Ibuprofen during the waking hours of both days. There was still a little pain in my back and my right calf, but very mild. I did take some Ibuprofen so I could sleep comfortably. I'm finally starting to see the benefits of the surgery! It's so nice to finally get a taste of normalcy.

It was 55 F today in Aberdeen. The sun was out, so I vaccummed and washed the BMW. I'm slowly getting some additional lights up in the garage so I can work on the Kawasaki. I hit a car with it just before Christmas and need to fix the front nose fairing. The days have been so short here, and thus dark, hench the need for lights in the garage. As of January 26, we now have 8 hours of daylight, curtesy of

I have a bunch of pictures from our trip back to the US that I still need to get posted on my Flickr album. It's on my To-Do List.

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