Tuesday, August 28, 2007

You just never know when...

Originally uploaded by mechanicaldan1
...you might almost get into a car accident. I've been over in Norway for almost a week now on business, and was riding with a co-worker on the way to dinner to meet some customers, when we almost got hit by a car. It was close. We were in the middle of a rounabout, when this black VW Golf enters the roundabout and just about slams into the passenger side of the car. I was on the passenger side and got to see the entire surreal thing. It was almost...like one of those Volkswagen commercials where the people are talking inside the VW, and then WAM!!! Luckily, my co-worker was watching the car and expected it, and slammed on the brakes just in time to avoid a collision. Unlukcily, the girl driving the VW swerved, ran over a center median after leaving the roundabout, and overcorrected and crashed into a ditch and drove over a sign. The two girls were OK, just very shaken.

You just never know when "it" might happen to you. So, give your significant other a hug, enjoy a sunny day, stay in touch with friends and family, stop to smell the roses, and overall try to enjoy life to the fullest.

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