Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A sunny day in Aberdeen

Aberdeen 036
Originally uploaded by mechanicaldan1
Dena and I took a walk around our neighborhood and down Union St. to blow off some steam. The temporary accomodations are starting to get to us. We're expected as much, knowing that it was going to be stressful completely uprooting and moving to a foreign country. I'm sure glad that we have less than two weeks until we get to move into our house. It'll be really nice to see our stuff. I'm tired of the shower curtain that is so close it touches me constantly. I'm tired of having to close the kitchen door so that we can open the refrigerator. I'm tired of the nasty couch pillows that blow feathers out when you lean on them. I'm annoyed by the noisy kitchen and bathroom fans that seem to make more noise than move air. Yeah, this is an honest post. I love being here, but just like home, there are days that suck. Today, for whatever reason the alarm sounded at it's set time, but refused to shut off. I pushed every button on it, turned the switch on/off/whatever, and it just kept blaring. I finally turned the volumn down to nothing. I'm about to go to bed, and it wouldn't surprise me if it's still ringing. It's not always sunny, and lately it hasn't been sunny often, but when it is, it's very lovely as you can see in the pictures.

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