It would tell a story that started a few weeks ago when our My4 stroller frame's adjustable handle mechanism broke, after 4 solid years of use. I called Mothercare in the UK to get another one, but they had been discontinued, and they had run a sale, so there were none available online to order. I was told by customer service that their stores may have some, but there was no way they could check the store stock. This meant, if I wanted one, I needed to call individual stores, and so I did. I had a day trip to London coming up, so maybe I could get one while over. Unfortunately, many of the stores were also out of stock. After about a dozen calls, I found one London store that had one My4 chassis, and I asked them to hold it on Saturday and would be in on Monday to pick it up. The store was just a few miles from our office, so a little detour and I'd have it.
A little detour it was not. I flew in to London this morning, and took taxi direct to store. As we got close to the store the traffic was at a crawl. After about 3 hours for a 30 minute trip, we arrived near the store; near because the store was completely taped off and surrounded by police officers. There was no way to get to the store. I asked several times, but no foot or car traffic was being allowed through the street in front of the store. I called the store, they suggesting going around back. More police, but after several requests, I was finally allowed through to the store. Yea! I rushed in, and bought the stroller, and just as I'm leaving the store, the police take down the barricades. Of course. Back in the taxi, and we're off, back to the office, then over to external meeting, and to the airport, box in tow at each step, and "Is that really a stroller in the box?", asks any person I came in contact with. I reply, "Yes it is; long story," and move to a different topic quickly, because it was a long story, which finally ended with the box arriving in the Netherlands on the baggage claim belt just fine.